Brought to Gielinor by the Menaphite god Icthlarin, they soon left his service and became the most powerful soldiers of the god Zaros. They were once referred to as The Stern Judges of Icthlarin and the Faceless Ones by the Menaphite people, but such terms are no longer commonplace. The Mahjarrat Quest Series revolves around the race, although they also are involved in a number of other quests and generally play a significant role in Gielinorian history as a whole. In general, most (Saradominist) humans fear the Mahjarrat, some even considering them to be a myth, referring to them as evil and foul beings, most likely due to the lack of knowledge about them.
Most Mahjarrat allied themselves with Zamorak when he betrayed Zaros at the end of the Second Age, creating a deep schism between the race's Zamorakians and Zarosian loyalists. It is unknown how many still survive to this day, as Azzanadra states "Be aware, mortal, there could be as many as a hundred of us still upon this world, with dozens more returned from other realms, but equally there could be as few as ten, each as mighty as one of your armies." After the eighteenth ritual, there are only eight (nine including Hazeel) known living Mahjarrat on Gielinor, with the current status of three being unknown (although one of them is deceased)
The Mahjarrat were originally the inhabitants of a world known in the common tongue as Freneskae.
Virtually nothing is known of the Mahjarrat's history prior to their
arrival in Gielinor, although Freneskae was apparently a plane of
endless war and conflict due to their presence there. The Mahjarrat are
known to have believed in some type of creator god,
although its role in their history is unclear. The number of Mahjarrat
living in Freneskae prior to the Mahjarrat's departure is unknown
.Though, it has been confirmed that all Mahjarrat departed from
Freneskae to Gielinor.
Virtually all aspects of Mahjarrat society centred on war. A handful of folk tales and stories - such as that of the Muspah - survive to this day and suggest that the race may also have possessed some type of rudimentary culture outside the immediate circle of war.
Arrival on Gielinor
Near the beginning of Gielinor's Second Age, although the number of
Mahjarrat that first arrived is unknown, it must have been much higher
than those that exist today considering the amount of rituals between
then and now.
Icthlarin, the Menaphite god of the dead, took the Mahjarrat with him when he arrived to Gielinor. During Missing My Mummy, Queen Senliten mentions an 'Oath of Obedience' which the Mahjarrat took before their arrival upon Gielinor, which means Icthlarin may not have enslaved their race, but negotiated their service. What he offered their race in return is, most likely, the opportunity to fight for the Menaphites and defend the desert, although the Mahjarrat apparently never fully succumbed to his rule and Icthlarin never had the influence he thought. The Mahjarrat were then also known as the "Stern Judges" or the "faceless ones" (due to their shape-shifting abilities) to the desert locals. According to Queen Senliten, the Mahjarrat fought against Zaros when he first started to invade the desert from the North.
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